1. How long have you been in your profession?
Five years.
2. What is your job title?
Detective Constable, Criminal Investigator and SWAT/QRF Member, etc.
3. Were you satisfied with the training ARMA gave you?
I am very satisfied with the training I received with the ARMA.
4. Would you recommend this training to other law enforcement and professionals?
I would definitely recommend this training to other law enforcement agencies and professionals. I already have begun to make such recommendations.
5. Was the instructor polite, kind and courteous?
Most definitely and firm at the same time which is more important in driving across the applicable message and understanding of ones role in Law Enforcement.
6. Did this class meet your expectations?
Yes it surpassed my expectations.
7. Was the drills conducted during the training useful and applicable to officer survival?
Not only useful but also the key to Officers Survival. The often unconsidered or untaught concepts I would call it.
8. Would you attend another training Program conducted by ARMA Training?
Without hesitation I definitely would.
9. Was the information shared beneficial and have officer safety in mind?
Yes it was and officer safety was the most valuable point. If the officer is losses control to an offender then the safety of all others comes into question. Thus I would say that this format ensures safety in general for all.
10. Was the training realistic and tactically sound?
Yes on so many levels. The best way to explain this to any person would be to ensure that they equip themselves to feel as confident as one becomes as a result of the training and subsequently the application.